Alicia Godsey Omaha | Bachelor Party Tips and Ideas

Alicia Godsey Omaha | Bachelor Party Tips and Ideas
Alicia Godsey Omaha | Bachelor Party Tips and Ideas

Bachelor parties often get a bad wrap by people, especially nervous brides. Many people assume that a bachelor party consists of heavy drinking, strippers, and lap dances. However, this is not always true. A groom has many other options for a more toned down bachelor party, and in fact, these are becoming more and more popular as traditional bachelor parties become more of a negative stigma. Either way, the bride and groom should be on the same page regarding what is acceptable for the bachelor party. Some brides do not mind alcohol and strippers, and some are dead set against it.

A groom and bride should talk about this long before planning begins, and a groom should respect the concerns of his bride in this regard. It is certainly not a man’s right to surround himself with dancing women the night before he gets married.

Here are some alternative ideas for planning a bachelor party that is not conducive to traditional stigmas.

Poker night
Poker nights are a great idea for grooms who love to play cards. It is a great idea for a bachelor party because it is more low key and laid back, but it is still a great thing to do with the guys the night before you get married. Of course, there should be plenty of food available at a poker night, and consider purchasing some fine cigars and nice beer. This is a great way to celebrate with your friends without getting carried away and insulting your bride. In addition, it prevents a pounding hangover on the day of your wedding.

Sporting event
Attending a sporting event is a great idea for a bachelor party. It is one of the guy’s favorite things to do together. Baseball, beer, and hot dogs. There really couldn’t be a better way to celebrate your wedding with your friends than that. In addition, this kind of bachelor party is one that everyone in the wedding party can attend, including minors, and family. If you are in charge of planning the party always run plans by the groom, but consider getting a block of tickets to his favorite in-season sports team.

If you are planning a bachelor party, keep in mind there are plenty of alternatives. Brides and grooms should be on the same page regarding the party and what is and what is not appropriate for them. If you are a best man planning a party, make sure that you are respecting these terms.

Make sure that you begin planning ahead of time. The last thing you want to do to your betrothed buddy is throwing him a crappy bachelor party that has been thrown together at the last minute. If you are planning a stripper-free bachelor party, consider some of the alternatives above. They will ensure that you and your friends have a great time and that everyone stays out of trouble.

Published by Alicia Godsey Omaha

Alicia Godsey Omaha a director at a family owned daycare. My parents have owned the daycare for 25 years. I plan to it over one day. You can put that I used to live in Las Vegas were I ran a company by the name of Alys babes promotions LLC and BAchelor party babes LLC witch later got changed to Prima Allure LLC. It was an event planning business for large groups of people staying in Vegas. We would accommodate there stay and plan there events. Now that I’m back home living in Nebraska I work for my parents and help manage there businesses. Not just daycare I’m also an office manager and in charge of keeping paper work up today

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